Pet Facilities

  • Endoscopy
  • Laboratory
  • Radiography
  • Surgical Facilities
  • Ultrasound


We have video endoscopy that enables us to investigate respiratory and intestinal problems. Under a general anaesthetic, we can pass the endoscope down the trachea (windpipe) and into the lungs or down the oesophagus and into the stomach and small intestines (depending on the size of the cat or dog). Endoscopy allows us to see abnormalities inside these structures, retrieve some kinds of foreign bodies and take biopsies of suspicious looking tissues to send to the laboratory for further assessment.


We have in-house laboratory facilities that enable us to process many tests rapidly. These tests can be performed immediately when a sample is taken in consultations or in the hospital. Basic blood profiles give us more information on organ function and on the numbers of red and white blood cells.

Results are usually available either the same or the following day once they have been completed and interpreted by the vet. These results may give a diagnosis or point us towards any further tests required. We are able to examine urine samples, blood smears and tissue samples with our microscope. It is necessary to send some samples and tests to our outside laboratory. 

Most of these tests have a quick turnaround and we will have results faxed to us within 2-3 days (allowing for post, weekends and Bank Holidays.) Your vet will ring with your pet’s test results as soon as they have been received and interpreted. Some tests take longer to yield results and we will try to advise you of this at the time of the samples being sent.


Most pets will require sedation or general anaesthesia to acquire good quality, diagnostic X rays. The X rays are developed immediately and can be viewed and interpreted on the day of the procedure. Occasionally we send X rays to specialists for a second opinion.

This can apply to some orthopaedic cases. As soon as we receive the specialist report, we will inform you of the results and any further action required. Any X rays taken remain the property of the practice but can be forwarded to another practice if you change vets or leave the area.

Surgical Facilities

We have fully equipped operating theatres. This enables us to perform many different types of operations with pre-medication, anaesthesia and recovery being supervised by our team of vets and veterinary nurses. Most day patients are provided with food and water before being discharged from the hospital and remain in the hospital until they are suitably recovered from their anaesthetic and we feel that they are ready to go home.


An ultrasound scanner that can be used for non-invasive investigation of various problems. Pets do not usually require any sedation or anaesthesia for ultrasound scanning but require hair to be clipped from the area to be investigated. Abdominal organs such as the liver, spleen, stomach and intestines and the urinary and reproductive tracts can be investigated with ultrasound.

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